Friday, June 27, 2008

The Crappening...a little rant about a turd of a film

This week, I saw what may have been the worst movie I've ever seen. Yes, even worse than Showgirls. M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening. I'm not sure about the general public, but I'm not willing to pay for seeing a movie that is this poorly made. With a reported budget of around $57M, one would think that you could hire someone to check for places in the movie where a boom mic drops into frame; and when there isn't really much in the way of special effects other than big fans (or helicopters, perhaps?) blowing grass and trees around, you have to ask yourself if maybe some of that budget should have gone into script revisions. I did, in fact, get a refund for this movie. I had watched the whole thing and they still gave me my money back. Perhaps is was due to the fact that I said I didn't care if they actually gave me the money I'd paid or just issued a refund and then put it into the coffers of something like Iron Man or Get Smart. It wasn't about getting the cash back, it was about letting it go to undeserving hands. I wonder if this movie is experiencing a large number of walkouts. That would help to explain the fact that the cineplex where I was had a sign saying that the air conditioning was not working in the theatre showing The Happening. Maybe a ploy to keep people from seeing it in the first place? Hmmm. If people see any other movie with air conditioning the theater keeps its money, right? Unfortunately for me the theater was cool anyway. Now I've lost a couple hours of my life. Maybe they should put up a sign that says "Mr. Shyamalan has taken a crap on a bunch of film stock and that's what we'll be showing in this theater." That probably would have kept me away from it.

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